This is Dave Espino, and today I'm answering a question that somebody requested “can one make $5,000 being a fulltime Udemy trainer?” I'm going to assume that they mean $5,000 a month. The answer is yes somebody can do that, but no it's not likely for the average Udemy instructor.

The Bulk Course Method

Some Udemy instructors only publishes one course, and it's unlikely that one course will make them $5,000 a month. This is unless the topic happens to be in a very high demand topic with very little competition. It is possible, but it's not likely. So what many Udemy instructors do is they publish more than one course. They publish 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 courses and that allows them to make and stack these passive income streams one on top of another. This is the overriding thing that's going to determine your income on Udemy because so many of these things are out of your control.

The pricing is out of your control. The reviews that you get are sometimes out of your control. The at least the review system, the way it's set up the competition is out of your control. So there's a lot of things that are out of your control on Udemy, which means that the only thing you can control is creating more courses, and stacking those courses on top of each other.

But if those courses are not in a high demand search on Udemy then those courses may not make that much money either. Iit really depends on your course topic. It really depends on whether your course is in high demand or not, what the competition is, how many other people are creating courses on that same topic, and if they’ve been more established than you have been.

The Circumstances to Make $5,000 a Month From Udemy

Having said that I believe that yes, a certain small percentage of people can make $5,000 a month on Udemy. But the circumstances have to be high demand course, low competition for that course, then you've got a good opportunity. However for most Udemy instructors, and I would say probably 90% or more Udemy instructors, they're not going to get to that $5,000 mark unless they create multiple courses.

It's one of the reasons I created 51 courses on Udemy before I saw the light and I started thinking “Whoa, you know I could make a lot more money if I were to take this same course and sell it myself for a lot higher amount.” I could sell my courses for $47, $97, $297, $497, even some courses for $1,497 with a little bit of group coaching and that kind of thing.

I could do a lot better on a self hosted plan than I could on a marketplace plan like Udemy. Don't get me wrong, I love Udemy. It's done really well for me. Its paid me really well for the last five years, and I've made a lot of money on Udemy.

That's just one kind of atmosphere, but there's a whole nother environment out there.

There's a whole nother world out there where by simply self hosting your course, charging what you want, having no competition, and creating a sales funnel to drive traffic to that course, you can make at least 5 to 10 times more than you would on Udemy or other similar marketplaces. I hope you enjoyed this article, and I'll see you next time.