Hey this is Dave Espino, the InfoBoss, and today I wanted to discuss how you can sell your expertise online as a product.

There are a lot of people selling their expertise online as a consultant, and if you sell your time as a consultant, you're still trading hours for dollars. Here at InfoBoss, we don't believe in trading hours for dollars.

We believe in passive income. That's where you do something once and you get paid over and over and over again. And that's amazing.

One Method of Selling Expertise (Without Trading Hours For Dollars)

Number one, the most common and oldest way to do it is to sell a book. Put all your expertise into a book, and sell that book either on Amazon or in the Kindle Marketplace. I got this book done by Createspace, which is an Amazon company. It allows you to create great professional quality books including a upc symbol, all that kind of thing.

That's one way to do it, but it's not the best way. Books have a certain perceived value, right about the most you're going to pay for a book is about $29.95 and that's if it's a really good book, or a really thick book with a lot of content or a very popular best selling book. But more likely you're going to be paying a $15, $20 for a book.

The Best Method of Selling Expertise in my Experience

So what's a better way to package up your expertise into a product? Online Courses. Online course can sell for anywhere from $47 all the way up to $1,500 for the right online course.

That is the ultimate way to package up your expertise, and sell it as a product. One way to package expertise is to add some consulting or some mentoring to your course, then you can kick it up into the $5,000 range.

I even have friends that have whole coaching packages that they sell for $50,000 and even $100,000. Now these are some incredibly high level marketers that can get that kind of money for their teaching, but even the average person can create a $997, $1,500, $2,000 coaching program where you work one on one or in a group coaching setting with your students and you help them achieve transformation.

That is the ultimate way to do it. If you don't want to do coaching, that's okay too, because you can just offer the course by itself for anywhere from $100 to $500, even a $1,000 for just the course materials by itself.

Just the video training, just that. And that can be an amazing business as well.

My Recommendation

So that's my recommendation for packaging up all your expertise, put it into a format that people will pay a lot for. You know they only pay so much for a book, but they'll pay a lot more for a comprehensive A to Z transformational course.

That's what you want to have is an online course. If you liked the online course business, please follow my content. If you're interested in getting into the online course business, I'm going to be releasing a link to a brand new online course fast start kit soon. It's going to give you tips, tricks, and resources to get you off to the best start in your online course business. So be on the lookout for that, and I'll see you next time.