Hey this is Dave Espino, and today I wanted to talk about how you can make money online. Now I'm first going to talk about general ways you could, and then I'm going to give you my favorite way to make money online.

First of all the way you make money online is you match up an audience or a target market that's interested in a product with a product. That's the very simple way of doing it. Now, an audience can come from a Facebook group, an email list, from people you know already, from buying advertising, either Facebook ads or Google ads or other types of ads, or from a website that you set up or a blog that you set up and you bring traffic through. There are audiences everywhere.

Google can come from many different ways, right? The product can be a product that you either create, you're able to buy wholesale to resale, or you become an affiliate of that product. Being an affiliate means that you get paid a commission for referring buyers to that product. So in very plain terms the way you make money online is you match up a hungry audience with a perfect product for them.

But How Do You Match Audiences and Products?

We call that message to market match. Your message, in other words the product that you're selling, should match your market perfectly with the audience. And now you've got the result, which is sales income, revenue. Right now, there are many different ways to do this. You could be an Amazon seller. You could sell your product on Amazon and Amazon already has the audience, and so that audience will find your product and they'll buy it. You could either create your own product, that's called private labeling a product, or you can buy the product from a wholesaler and sell it on Amazon right now.

That's one way to do it. You could also sell a Kindle ebook that you wrote yourself. Amazon already has a Kindle audience. You publish your ebook on the Kindle marketplace, they find your book, and they buy your book. Now there isn't a whole lot of profit in that unless you do a really amazing job of writing or you have a series of books that captivates people's attention.

The Best Way I’ve Found to Make a Money Online

The way I prefer, the best way that I found to make money online is to create an online course about a topic that people need help with. People need help with all kinds of topics. They need help with doing things better, doing things faster, doing things cheaper. They need help with life challenges, like how they got out of depression or how to fix things or how to manage their home better, or how to organize things.

They need help with technical things like things from work, how to do excel spreadsheets, or how to do Photoshop or things like that. Everybody needs help, and nowadays people are flocking to online courses for that help.

It's a $325 billion dollar industry in the next 7 years, so that's my ultimate favorite business. I call it the world's most perfect business because it really is an amazing opportunity to publish your course either on a marketplace that already has an audience or on your own self hosted platform. If you're interested in the online course business, be sure to follow my content and be on the lookout for my Fast Start Guide for online courses. I’ll be posting that soon, and I look forward to seeing you next time.