This is Dave Espino, and welcome back. Today I wanted to talk about what the best way to market an information product, get traffic leads, and start making sales is.

Let me talk about this in a little bit more general terms because it is a broad question. The answer is like any question that is so big, it depends. It really depends on who you're targeting. The most important thing when selling an information product or an online course is that you have, what we call "message to market match."

The Most Important Things to Remember

What I mean by "message to market match" is when your message speaks directly to the needs of a target market, then you're going to do really well. That doesn't always mean that you're running Facebook ads. Sometimes you're going to have to go to little mom and pop websites that already cater to that niche market, and see if they'll let you run a banner ad on their site.

That's an incredible way to get traffic, and inexpensive traffic in many cases as well. That's one of the things that I teach is how to get that banner ad traffic that's highly specialized, highly niched so that you have "message to market match."

Ask Yourself:

1. Are you getting the right traffic of people that are highly targeted to your niche? In other words, the people most likely to benefit from your course.

2. Are you conveying the message of the benefits you're going to give in that course strongly enough to get people excited to get them watering at the mouth going man, I want this course.

These Things Are Critical

Most of us don't do that, most of us kind of write something up there. Here's a description of my course, here's what you're going to get, but we don't really sizzle the benefits and we don't really punch them in the face so to speak. I'm talking metaphorically with how powerful this course is going to impact them.

So if I were to boil it down to two or three main things, I would say number one is "message to market match," number two is copywriting and persuasion, and number three is having a good solid sales funnel. Your sales funnel should help people and take them from micro commitments to bigger and bigger commitments to the point where they eventually buy your course from you.

I hope this was helpful for you. If you like the online course business like I do, I have a free ebook called The Worlds Most Perfect Business that goes into more detail about creating and selling online courses. You can find it at I hope my information was helpful, and I'll see you next time.