written by
Dave Espino

How Much Money Can You Make By Teaching Programming Online?

Online Course Creation 2 min read

Welcome back, this is Dave Espino and in this article I'd like to answer the question how much money can you make by teaching programming online. Well programming is a particularly good thing to teach online, and the reason is there are tons and tons of people looking for programming education. They're looking for information on how to become a programmer, or how to learn that new language, or all kinds of things primarily because programming is a skill of the future. There's huge demand for that type of teaching.

How You can Teach Programming Online

When teaching programming online, there's two ways you can go. One way is to teach on Youtube.com. Now Udemy is a good marketplace for programming courses and the reason is it seems like there's a lot of techie people that hang out at Udemy right now. I think eventually it's going to be a more mass appeal marketplace, but right now it's still kind of in the early adopter phase. So the programming courses on Udemy are very, very popular and do really, really well.

In fact, one of the top instructors on Udemy generates a $3,000,000 income every year just from teaching programming courses on Udemy. Now if you can make $3 million a year teaching on Udemy, then chances are good you can make $30 million a year teaching off your own self hosted courses and the reason for that is Udemy is a discount marketplace. Whereas if you're outside of Udemy in a self hosted plan, you could sell your courses for a lot more money. 10 times more at least. So if you can sell your courses for 10 times more and develop a simple sales funnel process to be able to sell these courses to the right people, then you can do really, really well outside of Udemy.

To me, the reason people publish courses on Udemy is they either don't know how to market or they don't want to learn how to market their courses themselves so they relegate it to a marketplace that's going to do some of that work for them.

That in my opinion is a huge mistake because by learning just a little bit of marketing, you can develop a sales funnel to market your own courses and for a lot more money. $50, $100, $200, $300 per course is not uncommon in the world outside of Udemy.

How much money can you make by teaching programming online?

I think the lower level is anywhere from six figures to seven figures. And the upper level is in the eight figure mark if you're doing the marketing right. The issue with most programmers is that they're not marketers. So if you really want to go big with courses, you should work with a marketer who knows how to develop a sales funnel and put that all together to develop a huge marketing campaign that's going to sell a lot of your courses and for a higher price. That's our answer for today. Hope you enjoyed this article. If you're interested in the online course business I've created a free Fast Start Kit to get you started. You can find it at http://freecoursekit.com, and it'll help walk you through the process of creating your online course. I'll see you next time.

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