written by
Dave Espino

Will Online Teaching Eventually Replace A College or University Degree?

Online Course Selling Online Teaching 2 min read

Welcome back, this is Dave Espino and today I'm answering a question on quora that goes like this. “Will online teaching eventually replace the expense of studying for a degree?” Well I believe that eventually, yes, online teaching will replace college and university teaching.

But I think we're a long way off til that happens for a lot of reasons. I mean the college and university system is deeply entrenched in the culture. It's still seen as very important for people to be able to get that degree and then use that degree to hopefully get a better job. But I see technology just raging forward and moving forward so quickly that it's just a matter of time before online teaching overtakes college and university teaching, with still the same type of credibility that a physical degree from a physical university has.

It’ll Happen, But It’s Still a Long Way Off

We're a long ways away from that. I think that we're already seeing strides moving in that direction, and are already seeing a lot of colleges and universities using online courses and online teaching to be able to teach all over the world. So the benefits of online teaching are undoubtable. And for them to not begin using online teaching would not be really smart.

What I see happening is a gradual shift over time, but meanwhile the rest of the world is gonna move to online courses much more quickly. In fact by the year 2025, the online course industry is going to be a $325 billion dollar industry. It's already in the $250 million dollar range right now. So it's growing very, very quickly because people are on this mega shift that whenever they learn something new, they're not learning from books anymore.

That's the Shift that's Happening

You're at the beginning of it and you stand to make a lot of money by being at the beginning of this mega shift so you're in the right place at the right time. If you liked the idea of online courses, teaching online courses, or making money with information products, check out my free Fast Start Kit. It'll give you tips and help you get started in the online course business. You can find my free kit at http://freecoursekit.com, and I'll see you on the next time.

online course business Online Teaching