written by
Dave Espino

The Best Way To Make A Passive Income Online

Online Course Selling 2 min read

Hey this is Dave Espino, and today I want to talk about the best way I've found to make a passive income online. It's information products. Information products are the best way to make a passive income online, because you're providing a really good service.

You're providing information, and typically that information can be a how to video course. It can be the answers to a lot of questions, or it can be how to do something better; how to do something more efficiently, how to overcome a challenge, how to learn a new skill, how to improve their career opportunities, how to get fit, how to lose weight. All these kinds of things are things that people are searching for actively on the Internet right now. Every second that ticks by. There's 40,000 searches happening on Google.

40,000 People Search for Information Every Second!

Every single second, 40,000 searches, 40,000 searches, 40,000 searches every second. What are these people looking for? Primarily they're looking for information and if you put together a good information product, a really good resource that helps them, you're going to sell a lot of that information product.

But now the ultimate way to create an information product is through online courses. You create a video course, and you don't even have to be on video to do this. You can record your screen with a very simple, very inexpensive screen recording software tool.

How to Sell an Online Course

And you can create your course, you package that up and you provide it out into the marketplace. There's a variety of ways to do this. One is you can publish it on a marketplace website like Udemy and then have Udemy bring you students. Another, much better way is self host your course and create a sales funnel to drive traffic to your course and sell a lot of it. The self hosted way allows you to charge whatever you want for your course. The Udemy and marketplace method has you charging typically $10 or $15 or $20 bucks. You can make a lot of money the self hosted model, especially when you only get to keep 100% of your earnings.

The Method for Selling I Recommend

So I recommend the self hosted model. Create a sales funnel that drives traffic to your course that has people buy it from you. And now you can charge $47, $97, $197, $297 and $497, and even as much as $1,500 and $2,000 for a course that maybe includes a little bit of handholding from you, a little bit of group coaching and that kind of thing.

That is, in my opinion, the best way to make a passive income online because people who are searching constantly 40,000 people per second, 40,000 searches per second happening constantly. You get in front of that stream of people and you find those people that are searching for your particular information and sell it to them. You've got an incredible passive income business. If you're interested in getting started in the online course business I recently created a free Online Course Fast Start Kit which I encourage you to check out. It's free, and will walk you through everything you need to get started. You can find that kit at http://freecoursekit.com. I'll see you next time.

selling online courses