written by
Dave Espino

"I Need An Income" - How A Stay At Home Parent Can Make Money

Passive Income 2 min read

Hey this is Dave Espino and today I'm wanted to talk about a question I heard recently, “I need an income now that I can stay at home as a dad, how could I make money? Would it be wise to build craft to sell?”

Now this question is important because a lot of people want to stay home with their kids, want to be able to take care of their kids and not have to work. 9 to 5 jobs can suck the life out of you. They can be very stressful. They can be time consuming. They're not always 9 to 5. Sometimes there are 9 to 6, 9 to 7, 9 to 8.

But How Do You Make Money Without a 9 to 5?

Having a work from home business is really an incredible lifestyle, and there are many ways now to do that. There are many ways because of the internet; because of sites like Amazon, and because of sites like you to Udemy.com.

There are many different ways to make an income from home. The question was should I make crafts to sell?

Well if that's a business that you already do well at offline, then there's no reason why you can't take it online and sell those crafts on a website like Etsy.com or Ebay.com or even Amazon.com if you have a system to create them.

There’s Another Way

Another way to do it would be to create a course, an online course about the crafts that you sell. Perhaps creating an online course, showing how to make those crafts, would be a good seller.

So it really depends on the type of craft that you're making and how in demand it is. If it's a high demand craft, then you can do really well selling it on Etsy and Ebay.

You can take all your life skills, your life experience, your work skills, the talents that you have inherently and other things that you've accumulated over your lifetime and turn those into online courses.

Why is this the Greatest Business?

And in my opinion, that is one of the greatest businesses you can get into; the online course business. It's taking everything that's in your brain, packaging it up and putting it into a format where many, many people can buy it over and over and over again. You attach a sales funnel to this, that is a step by step process that people follow to buy your course, and now you've got the best of all worlds.

You've got the leverage of the automated sales process that selling your course, and then you've got the leverage of a prepackaged video. Of course, that can be sold over and over and over again. Now you've got what I call the world's most perfect business. I hope you liked this article. If you like the idea of creating and selling online courses that be sure to follow me for more content in the future. I'll see you next time.

Passive Income