written by
Dave Espino

What Can I Do To Create Another Source Of Income?

Passive Income 2 min read

Hey this is Dave Espino, and today's question is "what can I do to create another source of income?" I used to ask myself this question a lot. In fact, the question I used to ask was, "is there was a way to turn my experiences, my knowledge, my skills, my talents, you know, all this stuff that I've accumulated over the years?"

I wished there was a way to turn that into income other than doing a job because even if you have great skills, sometimes the job is just not available for those skills. So when I came across the idea of creating an online course, I was just astounded. I just got so excited because here was that answer to how can I take my experience, my knowledge, my skills, and monetize them. How I can monetize myself. And that was the answer; you can take what you know and put it into a how to video training a how to video course.

Why Create an Online Course?

When you do that, it gives you tremendous leverage because now you can sell that course over and over and over again and you can sell it all around the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can go global with your content and in the process of creating this new income stream, you can also help people all around the world with your message. You can make a global impact on people all around the world. It's really an exciting business. Right now have 770,000 students in 183 countries all around the world. I was just looking at a map the other day of some of the students and where they live in the world, and I was just astounded. So creating an online course is really an amazing way to create a new source of income.

It's an Easy Passive Income if you Do it Right!

Take what you know, take the things that you've experienced, take your skills, your talents, or even if you're not an expert in something but you're passionate about something, go research that. Go research that, put it into a video course, go interview somebody who is an expert and put that into a video course. There are so many ways to handle it and I teach you some of those ways in my free book called The World's Most Perfect Business. You can get it at DaveEspino.com/freebook. I'll see you next time.

Passive Income