written by
Dave Espino

3 HOT Tips for Teaching Online Courses

Online Course Creation 2 min read

This was Dave Espino, and I thought I'd talk to you about the world of online teaching. I've been teaching online for almost two decades, and I wanted to do something I'm asked about a lot which is giving some tips about online teaching.

Well One of the Tips I Would Give is Just Get Started

Don't hesitate, don't slow down. Don't, don't stop because of you. Stop. You lose momentum, and if you lose momentum, you go into a negative spiral.

So I would recommend just get started. And the second tip I would give is forget about perfectionism. Forget about getting the course just right. Perfect. 100 percent on your first course. When you're first doing your very first course, you want to just get it done. You want to get through the process so that you learn the process so you can come back the second time and be much stronger.

Why Perfectionism Can Hinder Success

So that would be my second tip is forget about perfectionism. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to get done which is important because so many people waste a lot of time. Thinking I've got to get this perfect, I've got to show my best side, it's gotta be just right; and the problem with that is that also stops you and gets you into a negative spiral.

Anytime you stall in creating your online course business, that's not a good thing. It'll not only stall you bit, it might slow you down and might even stop you. I've seen a lot of people get stopped completely with either perfectionism or just they never got started at all.

Make Sure You Have the Proper Tools

The third tip I would give is start off with a screen recording tool. Don't use a face to camera course like this. Do a screen recording course because those are a lot easier to do, a lot easier to create and there are a lot easier to edit so you can get a screen recording course done very, very quickly.

It's very, very easy to do so those are three tips I would give you if you're just getting started in the online course business. Now if you're just getting started, I'm in the process of creating a fast start starter kit just for you. It's for anyone who's just getting started with the online course business. I'm going to have that link for you when it's available, so be sure to check out my future posts soon. I’ll see you next time.

creating online courses online course business