written by
Dave Espino

What Are Some Examples Of Really Valuable Information Products?

Online Course Creation 2 min read

Hey this is Dave Espino, the InfoBoss, and today I wanted to talk about some examples of really valuable information products.

The Most Valuable Information Products

The most valuable information products typically come with some coaching or some mentorship. I have a mentorship program for example, that sells for $997. In my mentorship program I give more of myself than I do in my standard online courses. That's what makes an online course or an information product valuable is how much access you have to the expert.

Although my mentorship program sells for $997, I've sold mentorship programs for as much as $5,000 and some of my friends in the information product space have really high end coaching offers. These are more like high level masterminds that require all of the expert's time and sell for 50,000 to $100,000.

What Gives Your Information Product Value

The really high ticket information products, anywhere from $1,000 all the way to $100,000, are typically going to require more of your time as the expert. So just to give you a quick example of my mentoring program, it's called The World's Most Perfect Business mentorship program. In it I walk you through an entire six weeks of training, about nine or 10 hours of core training. That includes action guides, one on one calls with me, group coaching sessions where we get together as a group and I do a little bit of training and answer some questions and help you coach you along. It also includes a private Facebook group. All of these things require some of my time to help you to be successful.

So whenever you have that type of dynamic happening, you can charge a lot more for an information product.

How do you Create a High Ticket Information Product?

You give more of yourself; I call it the hierarchy of you. In other words the less of you that they get, for example an inexpensive course that you might find on a marketplace platform, the lower the cost is going to be. With that the more of you that they get, the more it's going to cost because there's only one of you, and you could sell hundreds of thousands of individual courses that don't require your time. So when you are willing to give up your time, then of course you should be charging a lot more.

Think of it as a consultant or a highly paid consultant where you're actually giving of your time, and that holds a huge amount of value. That's how you create a high ticket information product, by either giving an action guide, supplementary resources, supplementary training, one on one coaching, group coaching, private Facebook community; all these things add up.

I know I could charge a lot more than $997 for my program right now, but my goal is to get so many people successful in the information products and online course business that I can then bump it up to $1,997 to $4,997 and so on.

So that's how you create a high ticket information product or online course. If you like the information product business in the online course business, be sure to get my free book. You can find it at DaveEspino.com/freebook. I'll see you next time.

creating online courses