written by
Dave Espino

What Do You Need To Get Started Teaching Online?

Online Course Creation 2 min read

Hey this is Dave Espino, the InfoBoss, and I want talk about some of the things needed to get started with online teaching.

The Four Things Needed to Teach Online:

A Good Topic

The first thing you need is a really good topic. It's amazing how far you can get when you have a great topic that's in demand, and having an in demand topic makes everything so much easier. If you have a topic that's not quite as in demand that really slows you down. You want to focus on a topic that's going to be massive appeal or at least as mass appeal as possible, given your particular talents, skills, and abilities.

A Good Course Outline

The second thing you need is a good outline for your course, and in another one of my articles I've walked you through that whole process of how to outline your course and how to do it. So you come out with an amazing course, so that's what you need next is a good outline for your course

Screen Recording Software

The third thing you need is a screen recording software, and the one I recommend is called Screencast-o-matic.This screen recording software is so awesome.

It's super inexpensive, only 18 bucks a year. Okay. It outputs very high quality HD video as well as a HD audio. It's an awesome tool because it allows you to create tutorial videos by just recording everything you're doing on your computer screen. You could use it to go to a website and show people how to use a website if it's an online tool, or you can use it to open up software on your computer and record everything you're doing in the software.

The fourth and final thing you'll need is a decent microphone. You can get a decent microphone for anywhere from $40 to $60. I use a blue Yet, and that one's more in the hundred dollar range, but really you could get by with a good $50, $60 microphone, even a good headset that gamers use can be good enough just to get started.

And That’s Everything!

So really for about $70 or $80, you can get started in the online course business. You can create as many courses and info products as you want!

And every one of those becomes a new passive income stream that's bringing you income for years and years to come.

If you’re interested in the online course business, but still don’t know where to start I have a free ebook called The Worlds Most Perfect Business that talks all about this business. If you are interested in the online course business, you can grab my free ebook at DaveEspino.com/freebook. I hope you found my information helpful, and I'll see you next time.

creating online courses