written by
Dave Espino

What Are Different Types Of Information Products I Can Sell Online?

Online Course Creation 3 min read

Hey this is Dave Espino, the InfoBoss, where I teach you how to sell your Info like a Boss. In this article I'm answering the question "what are different types of information products that one can profitably sell online?"

This is a great question because when we think of information products, we often think of a video course video training of some kind, right? But there are all kinds of information products that you can create and sell online.

Basic Types of Information Products

For example, at the most basic level, you've got the Ebook. You can create an Ebook by writing a word document, converting it into a pdf file, or saving it as a pdf file and there's your Ebook. You can also put that ebook on the Kindle Marketplace and let Amazon sell your ebook for you. You can then take that ebook and, just like my book, you can turn it into a physical book by using the CreateSpace service on Amazon as well.

You can also sell a special report as an information product. A special report might just be a downloadable pdf, and maybe has live links in it and that kind of thing. Or you can create is what's called a White Paper, which is just a fancy word for a special report. That is all of the information products in the realm of kind of the books reports.

Different Types of Online Information Products

Another type of information product is a video course, such as an online video course. Now the online video course is so much better because it has a higher perceived value, and it has a higher actual value. That's because people can get transformation much more easily through an online course where they're hearing you and seeing you demonstrate things than they can in a book.

So that's an incredible information product by itself. Also When you attach to an information product or an online course, attach some coaching to it. Now you can sell that for a lot more money because now you're providing a lot more value. When you attach a private Facebook group where they can get support or email support or one on one coaching, you can really raise the price on that information product.

Now, there are other forms of information products, for example you could create a Powerpoint presentation and you could put that up on a website called Slideshare. If you have a little bit of promotional things towards the end of that presentation, you can drive traffic using that slide presentation.

Another form of information product is a podcast. Now, a podcast is monetize differently than an online course. You might monetize a podcast by getting sponsors for your podcast or by advertising different products on your podcast, same as being a Youtube creator, although that's come under fire in recent days.

Becoming a Youtube creator is not nearly as profitable as it used to be. A lot of channels have been demonetized, but blogging is still a great way to create information and information products. And the blog is monetized through ads. Monetization comes through either the Google Adsense program (where you automatically populate your blog with Google ads), or offering affiliate products along the side of your blog or in your blog and creating an email list of all your visitors so that you can then also offer them affiliate products in the future.

Those are just a few of the different ways that you can create an information product. I love the online course business so much. I call it The World's Most Perfect Business, and I recommend that you get my free ebook. It's all about the online course business; the information products business. It's going to blow you away and it's going to amaze you with how much there is in this business, and how incredible it is for you to be able to make an ongoing passive income with your content, your superpower, your talents, your experience, and your skills. You can find my free ebook at DaveEspino.com/freebook. I look forward to seeing you next time.

creating online courses