written by
Dave Espino

How Do I Know I'm Good Enough to Create an Online Course?

Online Course Creation 3 min read

Hey this is Dave Espino, the InfoBoss, and today I wanted to answer a question I heard recently which is “how do I know I'm good enough to create an online course?” You know, that's kind of a common thing that people deal with before they create their first online course and before they start getting some feedback from students.

Now here's the thing. Let me ask you this question. Have you ever shown anyone how to do something? Have you ever taught your kids how to tie their shoe? For example, have you ever shown a teenager how to fix a flat tire or how to change out a tire? Have you ever shown anyone anything? Chances are good that you have, whether it's been on your job, whether it's been in, in parenting, or whether it's just been in the world in general, right? So if you ever taught anyone how to do anything, then you have the skill of teaching.

Making a Course Exciting and Interesting

The question now becomes, how can you make a great course that people will be excited about and they'll be interested in? First of all, you've got to sell the course as is and not over promise on your course. The ideal thing would be to under promise and over deliver so you can do that by making sure you have a great outline for your course, making sure your cover all the different aspects of that topic, and by targeting an audience that's going to be grateful for your knowledge.

Now, understand that you're not either a world's leading expert or nothing. There are different degrees of expertise and so you can be an average knowledge person about a topic and you can still teach people who are below average knowledge, right? Those who are newbies or beginners, so you can still be the expert to these people.

Getting Better, and More Advanced

Likewise as you get better and better at your business or whatever it is that you're teaching, then you can start to teach more and more advanced topics, but there's a range. Understand it's not either I'm a top the world's leading expert on this or nothing.

There is a range and you can be in that range and you can find your best target market that will benefit from your level of knowledge and expertise, so understand that, that it's not about whether you're good enough or you know enough. It's really about whether you can find that market of people who are below you in terms of knowledge and expertise, and skill and train them to get to their next level. That's really all we're doing.

And another thing I would recommend is take a look at some of the other courses that already exist on your topic; do a little bit of research and find out what other courses are out there.

And very soon you'll see that you could do better than some of these other people who are teaching online courses.

You're going to think about it and you're going to go, “oh, I could teach this, that they're not teaching,” or, “oh, I could teach this better by using this process or this example than what they're doing.”

So very, very soon you'll see and you'll start to gain that self esteem and that confidence that yes, you can teach online courses. If you like the online course business and liked the way it sounds, I have an online course fast start kit that's going to give you tips, tricks, and resources to get you off to the best start in your online course business.

That fast start guide should be available soon, so keep an eye out for that in future articles. I'll see you next time.

creating online courses