written by
Dave Espino

Which is Better for an Introvert; Teaching Online or Teaching Live Classes?

Online Course Creation 3 min read

Hey my name is Dave Espino, the InfoBoss, and today I want to discuss the differences between teaching online or teaching live classes as an introvert.

Now I'm an introvert, so I think I'm a perfect person to answer this question and really there's no doubt that the best way to teach if you're an introvert is online. Online courses allow you to teach one to many, and yet feel like you're talking to just one person; one on one.

Tips for Teaching Online Classes

So if you're doing it right, or if you're creating your online courses correctly, you should be speaking to the camera or to the microphone as if you have a close friend right next to you. Maybe even pretend to be looking over your shoulder as if you're showing them how to do something.

That's probably the best way and the best approach to take because it eases you have any nervousness. You're talking to your friend so it should be pretty easy, and it comes across as very personable and friendly when you do it that way.

I always just imagined I'm talking to a friend, a close friend, and I'm just relating to them either on camera or when I'm narrating a Powerpoint presentation.

Even Introverts Can Teach Live Classes

That's a great way to go, but I've taught in classroom settings as well. I used to be in the financial services business, and I used to teach insurance classes and securities classes. That is mutual fund investments. I have IRA’s, retirement plans and things like that.

So I've been on both sides of the fence and you know, you'd be amazed that even if you're an introvert, you still could teach real classes, live classes, you know, to a group.

I used to have groups as large as 50 or 60 students at a time. And you know, introversion doesn't necessarily mean that you don't ever want to talk to anybody. It just means that your batteries get a uncharged very quickly if you're in a large setting with a lot of people in that kind of thing.

Why I Prefer Teaching Online

That's all it really is, but you can work your way into teaching live classes by starting first with online classes. If I were to choose between the two I would say that teaching online classes is a far better way than teaching live classes, but not just for the introverted aspect. You can reach a lot more people with an online pre recorded course. Right? Right now I have over 70,000 students around the world in 182 countries, so I have people right now all over the world that are taking my courses right now.

It's amazing. I could not duplicate that in a live setting because in a live setting, you have to be there. You have to be there live and presenting, so in a live setting it also limits your financial ability; your ability to earn income because you can only be in one place at a time.

With the online course business, you can be in all these places at the same time. So there's my answer. I strongly recommend the online course business. I call it the world's most perfect business, and if you're interested in this business I have a free ebook that goes over the business. It's called The World's Most Perfect Business, and you can get a free copy at DaveEspino.com/freebook. I hope my information helped, and I’ll see you next time.

creating online courses